Selkie Photography
Stitched UpMirror, MirrorMasqueradeGoddesses, Myths & MonstersAmerican GirlPoetry/Photo ProjectSkinLyricalTarot Series
Photographer/Performer/Dancer/Poet & All Around Loon…
I am a girl – I take a lot of photographs and write a lot of words, both which i manipulate and generally mess with until they look they way i want. All of my photos are self-portraits unless otherwise specified. Some pieces have my poetry to go along with the image, some have music as the inspiration. It's usually one or the other.

For the time being, any print purchases can be made here.

I began photography quite accidentally – and because of an accident. I became ill in 2003 with an auto-immune illness, and shortly after injured my spine – an event that left me largely bedridden for several months; i wore a back-brace (still do, but only rarely), and was told i may never walk without a cane (they were wrong, as “they” almost always are…). I was given a camera as a gift, which i used on myself as a way to document my recovery and relieve the stultifying boredom. I turned the lens on myself because there was no one else around, and i was confined to my own apartment for months, with only short physical-therapy walks in the Honolulu University district. Self-portraiture is my first love, and is still the main focus of my work.

My camera keeps me from indulging in anti-social, murderous and possibly illegal behaviour.
It keeps me sane.
This is what i do.


“In heart I am Muslim,
in heart I’m an American artist
and I have no guilt
I seek pleasure
I seek the nerves under your skin
The narrow archway; the layers;
the scroll of ancient lettuce
We worship the flaw, the belly, the belly,
the mole on the belly of an exquisite whore.
He spared the child and spoiled the rod
I have not sold myself to God. “

~Patti Smith